About Us

A hobby turned passion turned business

A racing enthusiast myself, I have ridden and raced motorbikes since I was 4 years old and was rebuilding my race bikes from the age of 12 - knowledge passed on from my father. Along with racing though, came injuries and a back injury directed my interest to cars particularly V8’s and turbo’s.

It was during one of my own restorations, a vintage mx bike that I came across the wet bead blasting process and was blown away with the results and its versatility. I enjoy what I do and believe in this process and hope to make it a more common practice in the future.

Having previously worked in the mining industry for 8 years I saw an opportunity to turn my passion into a small business, based on hard work, a love of what I do and years of hands on experience. I never get tired of seeing a client’s reaction to their vapour blasted component; client satisfaction is our biggest priority at Pioneer Finishes.

I look forward to working with you.

Mark Elliott - Owner